sub clause (2); (4) determining for regular review as to adequacy of measure and system for preventing and managing conflicts of interest as prescribed in sub clause (2). Additionally, in case there is
events. Subject to our regular reviews and improvements in liquidity risk management processes at KBank and K Companies, these actions are consistent with economic circumstances and rapid changes in the
current accounts for the highest efficiency in cost management. We are therefore continuously monitoring and analyzing the course of events. Subject to our regular reviews and improvements in liquidity risk
aligned with the Issuer’s schedule of regular reporting, and does not need to follow the anniversary of the Certification or Issuance of the Bond. Note 3: The Issuer can make the Update Reports available
individual’s holistic wealth and has varying risk characteristics. Dynamic withdrawal strategy: portfolio withdrawal decisions should be revisited on some regular basis, ideally at least annually, to ensure the
subjected to regular updates to reflect the development of climate science and technology. Table 1. Examples of objectives from international and national taxonomies EU Taxonomy ASEAN Taxonomy Climate Bonds
ventures 152 131 157 20% 4% 517 595 15% Income tax expenses (66) (49) 8 n/a n/a (257) (243) (5%) Profit before FX & extraordinary items 786 1,055 607 (42%) (23%) 3,445 3,904 13% Net foreign exchange gains
a gain on purchase in the amount of THB 362 million, on the other hand 2018 did not record such extraordinary items, thus lowering 2018’s share of profit. Share of profit from the geothermal power
หากมีผลขาดทุนใหแสดงจํานวนเงินไวในเครื่องหมายวงเล็บ 8. รายการพิเศษ (Extraordinary items) หมายถึง รายไดหรือคาใชจายที่เกิดจากรายการหรือเหตกุารณทางบัญชีที่มีความแตกตางอยางชัดเจน จากการดําเนินงานตาม
tax expenses (90) 8 (46) 646% (49%) Profit before FX & extraordinary items 1,074 607 1,302 114% 21% Net foreign exchange gains (losses) (21) (3) (52) n/a 146% Net profit 1,053 604 1,250 107% 19% Non