areas: (a) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox ; (b) assessing and
) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b) assessing and managing
regulatory sandbox in the following areas: (a) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the
the following areas: (a) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b
afford high-risk investment, such as institutional investors, private equity, venture capital and angel investors. Eligible investors also include directors and employees of the SMEs or companies in the
industrial waste to energy power plant project located at Ratchaburi Industrial Estate and operated by Progress Interchem (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“Interchem”) with a contracted capacity of 4.0 MW (an installed
goods sold decreased by 0.4 percent whereas sales & service decreased by 2.4 percent. 1.4 Selling & distribution expenses Selling & distribution expenses mostly consist of sale staff expenses
appropriate and sufficient personnel, communication system, customer service system, and internal supervision system, and these systems must be compatible with the additional technology apart from the
to provide investors with quality and standard services from business operators.The regulations will require business operators to provide personnel, communication system, customer service system
providers are still responsible for any actions operated by the outsourced company while the outsourced company must also have the readiness in both personnel and the operating system, and such operation