securities. In case the payments on the debt securities are payable in two or more currencies, indicate whether any person holds an option to determine the currency conversion, as well as the basis for that
determine the currency conversion, as well as the basis for that determination. 7. Where not all of the debt securities being offered are guaranteed, provide a statement for a non-guaranteed portion. B
for clients. “member of fund investment committee” means a member of a committee which is appointed or assigned by a fund management company to consider and determine the scope of investment of mutual
. 5.1.3 Service providers Service providers support the collective investment vehicle. For example, actuaries determine projected liabilities, and consultants may measure investment performance. Advisers
responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. 2 “SECTION 4/1 The SEC shall have the power to determine the undertaking of business in any manner is
and having a structure to calculate the costs of selling electricity by the ‘Pass Through’ concept where the cost can be passed on to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The gross
depends on Availability Payment (AP) of the power plant and having a structure to calculate the revenue of Energy Payment that can be passed through the fuel cost to the Electricity Generating Authority of
Availability Payment (AP) of the power plant and having a struc ture to calculate the costs of selling electricity by the ‘Pass Through’ concept where the cost can be passed on to the Electricity Generating
Performance Operating Results Gross Profit An Independent Power Producer’s (IPP) gross profit depends on Availability Payment (AP) of the power plant and having a struc ture to calculate the costs of selling
having a struc ture to calculate the costs of selling electricity by the ‘Pass Through’ concept where the cost can be passed on to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The gross profit