provision of services as a securities clearing house or central securities depository to the extent that members or their clients, or any involved persons understand risks from use of the services, and shall
the Company or the group of companies, as specified by the Board of Directors (if any), to be used as guidelines for investors to understand and monitor future business directions of the Company. 1.2
affected, or could materially affect, the company’s operations. Also disclose any significant components of revenues and expenses that are necessary to understand the issuer’s results of operations. B
expenses that are necessary to understand the issuer’s results of operations. B. Liquidity and Capital Resources 1. Provide information about the issuer’s short-term and long-term liquidity, i.e., its
Principles are supplemented by annotations that contain commentary on the Principles and are intended to help readers understand their rationale. The annotations may also contain descriptions of dominant or
เงินกูธนาคารโลกเพื่อเตรียมการปรับโครงสรางฟนฟูและแกไขปญหาของระบบสถาบันการเงิน (Financial Sector Implementation Assistance Loan ) เพื่อดําเนินโครงการศึกษาเพื่อพฒันาตลาดการยืมและ ใหยืมหลักทรพัย และ
capital market of the country where such entity established is unable to provide an assistance in inspection and providing information relating to any violation of, or non-compliance with, any provision of
materially affected, or could materially affect, the company’s operations. Also disclose any significant components of revenues and expenses that are necessary to understand the issuer’s results of operations
component of revenue or expenses necessary to understand the issuer's results of operations. 2. To the extent that the financial statements disclose material changes in net sales or revenues, provide a
Alpha, Beta, and Now…Gamma David Blanchett, CFA, CFP® Head of Retirement Research Morningstar Investment Management Paul Kaplan, Ph.D., CFA Director of Research Morningstar Canada August 28, 2013 Morningstar Investment Management Page 2 of 27©2013 Morningstar. All rights reserved. This document includes proprietary material of Morningstar. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Morningstar is prohibited. The Morningstar I...