Baht volatility that affected certain economic sectors. In the second quarter of 2017, KBank granted continual support to our large corporate clients taking part in bidding for the government’s projects
capital loans from businesses including SMEs – as well as credit card and personal loans. Meanwhile, deposits rose, especially at large banks. It is expected that new loans should increase along with
selling B20 Diesel in Bangchak Service Stations under the “B20 for large vehicles, reducing pollution, and saves money” campaign introduced by the Ministry of Energy for large vehicles, to help ease the
-Wallet application as an added e-payment channel for our Multi-Corporate Business clients. Large Corporate Business KBank emphasizes the importance of enhancing our employees’ knowledge and understanding
on current, transparent and qualified data. The credit approval processes and systems are designed to align with customers’ characteristics. Medium and Large Business customers with sophisticated
award confirms that GPSC has been successful in their operation. • Strategy to expand the Power Plant Business together with PTT Group The Strategy to expand the power plant business together with PPT
บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Debentures, and to have the authority to take any other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure the successful completion of the above arrangements. 3. It was
LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Debentures, and to have the authority to take any other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure the successful completion of the above arrangements. 3
LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Debentures, and to have the authority to take any other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure the successful completion of the above arrangements. 3
บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Debentures, and to have the authority to take any other actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure the successful completion of the above arrangements. 3. It was