ำ เช่น call center, robo advisor, leaflet เป็นตน้ แนวทางทีเ่สนอ เม่ือสมำชิกท ำกำรประเมินควำมเหมำะสมในกำรลงทุน (suitability test) แลว้ บลจ. ตอ้งแจง้ผลกำรประเมิน ดงักล่ำว พร้อมทั้งใหค้ ำแนะน ำเบ้ืองตน้
in this period. Administrative Expenses Baht Million 2018 2019 +/(-) +/(-) % Employee and executive expenses 65.14 98.81 33.67 51.69% Advisor expenses 8.20 10.31 2.11 25.73% Loss on exchange rate
right vote, however shareholders who have conflict of interest in this issue are excluded from the vote. (3) Appoint the Independent Financial Advisor for an opinion on the transaction to Securities and
, complete and true and does not cause any misunderstanding or not missing any material information. 16 Qualification of Independent Advisor Not applicable 17 Financial Forecast for the Current Year None 18
customer; (7) information on the purchase, sale or holding shares or share warrants of the investment advisory company, person with power of management or advisor in the case where the purchase, sale or
clause (2) called by other names; (4) advisor of securities company under Section 103 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992). Clause 6 Personnel in the capital market business performing
เห็นชอบผู้ให้บริการออกแบบการลงทุน (wealth advisor) ✓ ✓ ✓ 1. การเพิ่ม/ลดทุนจดทะเบียนชำระแล้ว 2. ข้อมูลอนุมัติวงเงินต่างประเทศ ✓ ✓ 1. ข้อมูลแบบรายงาน บล. 2. ผู้ถือหุ้นกู้ที่ได้จากนายทะเบียนหลักทรัพย์
company shall have a process ensuring that the person who performs a duty of an investment advisor has acknowledged and understood the information in the analysis report well enough to be able to give
ensuring that the person who performs a duty of an investment advisor has acknowledged and understood the information in the analysis report well enough to be able to give accurate and suitable investment
ensuring that the person who performs a duty of an investment advisor has acknowledged and understood the information in the analysis report well enough to be able to give accurate and suitable investment