was robust. As evidenced, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of KASIKORNBANK FINANCIAL CONGLOMERATE (the Conglomerate) according to the Basel III Accord was 18.55 percent, with a Tier 1 capital ratio of 16.19
circumstances. At the same time, our robust capital position was sufficient to cushion against risk, and greater than the Bank of Thailand’s requirement. As evidenced, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of KASIKORNBANK
รัพยที่กอใหเกิดรายไดสุทธิ (NIM) เงินใหสินเชื่อดอยคุณภาพ (gross NPLs) ตอเงินใหสินเชื่อ อัตราสวนเงินกองทุนชั้นที่ 1 (Tier 1 ratio) อัตราสวนเงินกองทุนทั้งสิ้น (CAR ratio) หมายเหตุ : สําหรับขอมูลง
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1) stood at 18.2 percent and 15.6 percent, respectively. Commercial banks in Thailand faced many challenges during the year. Although
, leaving the market with a surplus of Gasoline supplies. Gasoline and Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB) declined by 1.15 $/BBL compared to the average 4.92 $/BBL in the previous quarter. China’s car sales during
, and China’s increasing export after ending their tax program to stimulate car sales for this year. The Mogas/Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB) decreased by 0.73 $/BBL compared to the averaged 14.42 $/BBL in
similar level to the previous quarter, a result of the lower sales in the retail market due to it being in the low season; where car usage and tourism travel declined from the continuous rainfall that
เงิน สูตรการค านวณ 1. กลุ่มธนาคารพาณิชย์ (1) เงินกองทุนชั้นท่ี 1 (Tier 1 ratio) (ร้อยละ) ค านวณตามเกณฑ ์ธปท. (2) เงินกองทุนทั้งส้ิน (CAR ratio) (ร้อยละ) ค านวณตามเกณฑ ์ธปท. (3) เงินใหสิ้นเช่ือต่อเงินรับ
1 (TRANSLATION) SAFARI WORLD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED PCL 0107537000351 Ref. No. 080/2019 4 December 2019 Subject: Notification of the Resolution of the Board of Director’s Meeting regarding of the schedule of EGM1/2020, Capital Decrease, Capital increase, an Increasing of investment cost in Carnival Magic Project, and compensation for design and construction to related person. To: Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference: 1. Information Memorandum on the Issuance and Offering of...
1 (TRANSLATION) SAFARI WORLD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED PCL 0107537000351 Ref. No. 080/2019 4 December 2019 Subject: Notification of the Resolution of the Board of Director’s Meeting regarding of the schedule of EGM1/2020, Capital Decrease, Capital increase, an Increasing of investment cost in Carnival Magic Project, and compensation for design and construction to related person. To: Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference: 1. Information Memorandum on the Issuance and Offering of...