Lending of Money for Purchasing Securities and Lending of Securities to Non-Institutional Clients for Making Short Sale (No. 9) dated 3 October 2008. -2- 3“institutional client” shall have the same meaning
different from the opinion of the Board under Clause 9 All Audit Committee members of the Company have the same opinions as specified in the Board of Directors’ resolution above (unanimity) and no audit
All Audit Committee members of the Company have the same opinions as specified in the Board of Directors’ resolution above (unanimity) and no audit committee member has an opinion different from such
noticed in Q2’19. In additions, the same upgrade via LTSA with Siemens for ABP5 is scheduled in Q3’19. The progress of SPP Replacement Scheme BGRIM has 5 cogeneration power plants qualified for the SPP
by 28 August 2018. 11. Opinion of the Audit Committee and/or opinion of the director which is different from the opinion of the Board under Clause 10 All directors of the Company have the same opinions
operating rate was 89%, down 3% from 92% in 3Q 2017. However, on the same portfolio basis, excluding Brazil and Egypt, PET operating rate increased in 3Q 2018 to 95%. In the Fibers segment, 3Q 2018 production
which is different from the opinion of the Board under Clause 10 All directors of the Company shared the same opinions which are in line with the Board of Directors’ resolution above (unanimity) and no
appropriate method to consider NEXT’s corporate value. The financial advisor assumed that NEXT will continuously operate its existing business without any significant change, under the same economic conditions
appropriate method to consider NEXT’s corporate value. The financial advisor assumed that NEXT will continuously operate its existing business without any significant change, under the same economic conditions
รณำจำก แนวค ำพิพำกษำเก่ียวกบัสถำนะของนิติบุคคลโดยทัว่ไปซ่ึงหำกน ำมำปรับใชก้บักรณีน้ีจะสำมำรถยดึถือเป็น หลกัไดว้ำ่ส ำนกังำนสำขำและส ำนกังำนใหญ่ยอ่มถือเป็นนิติบุคคลเดียวกนั (same legal entity) (2) บทบญัญ