(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 5 As of 19 February 2018 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 12/2558 Re: Offering of Units of Infrastructure Trusts ___________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as amended by the Securities and Exchange Act (No.4) B.E. 2551 (2008), and Se...
into significant consideration the appropriateness and sufficiency of information for making investment decisions and measures for investor protection. In any case, the SEC Office may specify conditions
20, as the case may be, shall also contain at least the following additional information: (1) information related to restrictions and risks in the following matters: (a) rights and protection investors
mitigation) การปรับตัวต่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ (climate change adaptation) และการปกป้องและฟ้ืนฟูความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพและระบบนิเวศ (protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems) เป็นต้น ซึ
. Chapter 4 Right and Protection of Beneficiary ________________ SECTION 44 Subject to Section 40 and the second paragraph of Section 43, a beneficiary has the right to demand a trustee to manage a trust in
defrauded in failing to comply with the trust instrument or this Act. Chapter 4 Right and Protection of Beneficiary ________________ SECTION 44 Subject to Section 40 and the second paragraph of Section 43, a
รัฐอเมริกำบัญญัติไวใ้นประมวลกฎหมำย วิธีพิจำรณำควำมอำญำ หรือทีเรียกว่ำ United States Code (USC) Title 18 Crime and Criminal Procedure, Part II Criminal Procedure, Chapter 224 Protection of Witness
enables appropriate segregation and protection of client assets overseen by external fund managers. The custodian cannot absolve itself of responsibility by entrusting to a third party all or some of the
SEC may grant a waiver of compliance to a company established by and subject to a foreign law whereby measures for investor protection are prescribed in a similar manner to the measures prescribed in
to other trustees, if proven that it had objected or had been defrauded in failing to comply with the trust instrument or this Act. Chapter 4 Right and Protection of Beneficiary ________________