-WC including but not limited to having the power to negotiate, agree and sign any relevant documents and agreements and to perform any other necessary actions related to CCET-WC including issuing
6/22 Furthermore, the bank also provides trade finance to support import and export business as to increase an opportunity and strengthen negotiation power with business partners through bank network
control power to the Company Items 31 December 2016 Revenue 1,347.66 Operating expenses Operating expenses 2,587,653.58 Total Expenses 2,587,653.58 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (2,586,305.92) บมจ.0107537002109
Shares of Hero Experience equivalent to 32.5 percent of the registered capital of Hero Experience, which do not confer the control power to the Company - 872,370 ordinary shares in Hero Experience
on, and bargaining power of the Company, the Board of Directors were of the view that the facts on the Transaction were subject to change and that the timing of the disclosure was of the essence
, which do not confer the control power to the Company - 1,006,580 ordinary shares in Hero Experience, representing 37.5 percent of the registered capital of Hero Experience. - 37.5 percent rights to
creditors, namely: 1. Notice demanding for payment of an electricity fee with late penalty according to the Electricity Power Purchase Agreement in the amount of THB 158,238,694.62 dated 9 October 2017. The
- Page 3 of 11 ICUK recognizes the dynamics and competitive setting of energy drink market as well as the high bargaining power of leading modern trade operators in the UK, causing longer lead time than
, conditions and other details related to CCET-WC including but not limited to having the power to negotiate, agree and sign any relevant documents and agreements and to perform any other necessary actions
more than ten (10) percent of its paid-up capital, which shall be within the scope of power of the Board of Directors to approve such buyback of shares. Such shares held by the Company will neither be