coverage and 3) supporting the business operation of MACO in Malaysia, and 4) strengthening overall bargaining power from increased scale. VGM Business Overview* *More commentary on the VGM transaction can
(Thailand) Limited and Demo Power (Thailand) Company Limited. VGI’s considerable and growing data pool will serve as the key to unlocking synergies between the aforementioned entities. Having these 3
bring back consumers’ purchase power for home repairs. Moreover, operators of modern construction material retail stores are still increasing the number of branches and group of project customers have
investment to power the turnaround of U City’s business. We’re encouraging growth in our hotel portfolio through both renovation of existing hotels and new operating leases of hotels to ensure that we benefit
estate developer and its customers. Although overall economy is soft, the Company’s target group of customers can maintain their purchasing power. For recurring income business, the Company had adjusted
Center of the Company. Building construction such as Printing plant, Warehouse, Distribution office, Chemical store, and Small power plant with average usable life of 13 years. Other constructions are
categories liked home entertainment, where Power Buy is traditionally strong, and where sales were unusually strong in the prior period in connection with the World Cup Soccer tournament, and due to seasonally
target group of customers can maintain their purchasing power. For recurring income business, in November 2019, the Company kicked off the construction of “Hotel Kitch”, a 72-room hotel that will be
จากการขายอสงัหารมิทรพัยด์งักล่าวอยู่ที ่ 55.3% 4 ธรุกิจสาธารณูปโภคและไฟฟ้า (Utilities & Power Business) ปี 2561 ปี 2562 เพ่ิมขึน้/ (ลดลง) ล้านบาท ล้านบาท % รายไดจ้ากการขายและใหบ้รกิารสาธารณูปโภค 2,095.1
the year. Foreign purchasing power was greatly contracted by the impact of trade war affecting the sales volume while the falling price of raw materials in global market and intensive competition among