Costs of rent and services constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on- site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property
rent and services constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on- site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property tax of
TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site. TripAdvisor's Travelers' Choice Awards are based on reviews by global travelers that focus on service, quality and value. Airport Related Business and Investment 9
. The construction site is connected to the National Highways no.4169. In the first phase, the project will be used approximately 5 Rai, the rest will be used for the future project. The project will
Costs of rent and services constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on-site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property
accessories and faucet products, totaling 3 items, used by the Company as the factory site for the Manufacturing Business, with certain plots of vacant land, as per the following details: Item Location Area 1
การจดัให้มีศูนยป์ฏิบติังานส ารอง (alternate site) และจดัให้มี การทดสอบความพร้อมของศูนยป์ฏิบติังานส ารองดงักล่าวอยา่งสม ่าเสมอ (ข) ในกรณีท่ีผูรั้บด าเนินการประสงคจ์ะมอบหมายให้บุคคลอ่ืนเป็นผูรั้บด าเนิน
services constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on- site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property tax of properties
constituted utilities, security & cleaning services, on-site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property tax of properties owned for rental
utilities, security & cleaning services, on-site personnel, land rental, depreciation & amortization, repair & maintenance costs and insurance premium and property tax of properties owned for rental. In 2Q20