use of smartphones 32 Issuer Industry Use of Process Type of Socio- economic outcome Target Population Indicators their business, through Tigo Money , a digital tool which advances the digitalization of
Tool. The board should ensure that procedures are established that allow the audit committee to fulfil its duties and responsibilities, including by having access to management, employees and staff
leading in network advancement, attractive handset bundling will remain an important tool for both customer acquisition and retention. Expand fixed broadband into major cities and target stronger subscriber
with the network of retailers, retain trust among consumers, bring in new target and develop into a tool for any new product launch in the future. Overseas sales of energy drinks were THB 7,058 million
an important tool for both customer acquisition and retention. Expand fixed broadband into major cities and target stronger subscriber addition The brand “AIS Fibre” continues to gain popularity since
upgrade were the key marketing tool to attract new customers and prevent churn. In addition, building accretive value by providing value added services, such as multiple routers for broader home coverage
าสุดที่ได จากระบบเซ็ท สมารท (SET Market Analysis and Reporting Tool) และในกรณีที่บริษัทจดัการหรือ บุคคลตาม (ก) มิไดเปนบริษทัที่มีหลักทรัพยจดทะเบยีนในตลาดหลักทรัพย ขอมูลการถือหุนของ บุคคลตาม (ก
or increased by 100% from 2021, which contributed from refined glycerine and RBD palm oil for edible oil tolling services. Presently, the Company considers the productions services as a tool to
Governance The economic crisis in 1997 essentially marked the beginning of serious awareness of the importance of corporate governance. Since then it has become a primary tool for building public confidence in
Governance The economic crisis in 1997 essentially marked the beginning of serious awareness of the importance of corporate governance. Since then it has become a primary tool for building public confidence in