. Acting under such plan is therefore reasonable, otherwise, the Company would need good justification for not doing so as well as a substitute plan; otherwise, this could have an impact on the credibility
, as coconut oil price declined, which the coconut oil is the substitute raw material to crude palm kernel oil, as a result, some producers had used coconut oil to be raw material and thus short chain
executives of the subsidiaries based on the assumption from income and expense from the past operation, the deterioration of the solar panels and other equipment, additional investment to substitute any part
oil price, which is a substitute raw material compared to growing of crude palm oil price. In contrast, market P2F of natural fatty alcohols in FY2019 was at 507 USD/ton, improved by 8% from FY2018
respects until completion of the transaction, and to appoint and/or remove substitute to take the foregoing actions. 2.2.) The Company’s plan in case where there is a fraction of shares remaining The
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหนี้ 1 แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูและรา่งหนงัสอืชีช้วนส าหรบัการออกและเสนอขายตราสารหนี ้ ทีอ่อกและเสนอขายโดยนติบิคุคลตา่งประเทศ Registration Statement for Issuing and Offering of Debt Securities by Foreign Issuer Commercial Name of the Issuer……………………………………….. Offering to…………………………………………………………………….. Features of Debt Securities i.e. interest rate/ offering unit /total principle amount/ par value per unit/offering price per unit etc. Credit Rating…………………………………………………………………...
company from complying with the rules and conditions to be exempted; (3) the management company has other measures that are sufficient and may substitute the compliance under the rules or conditions to be
company from complying with the rules and conditions to be exempted; (3) the management company has other measures that are sufficient and may substitute the compliance under the rules or conditions to be
under other laws incapacitating the management company from complying with the rules and conditions to be exempted; (3) the management company has other measures that are sufficient and may substitute the
1 25 May 2020 Subject: Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 5/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Connected Transaction, Entering into Transaction on Acquisition of Assets and Determination of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders To: Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets (Schedule 1) and the Entry into Connected Transaction of Nation Broadcasting Corpor...