หนังสือช้ีชวนส่วนสรปุข้อมูลส ำคญั Factsheet บริษทัหลกัทรพัยจ์ดักำรกองทุน พรินซิเพิล จ ำกดั ข้อมูล ณ วนัท่ี 1 กนัยำยน 2566 กองทุนเปิดพรินซิเพิล เวียดนำม อิควิต้ีเพ่ือกำรเลี้ยงชีพ Principal Vietnam
price, dates and time of the offering for sale or conditions on the offering for sale of units. 2 “principal asset” means principal asset in which REIT is able to invest under rules as prescribed in the
appraisal company in the capital market and a principal appraiser approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission), i.e., Baht 24,290,000. The appraiser selected a valuation approach suitable
Exchange 4. Mr. Aldo M Romani, Head of Sustainability Funding, European Investment Bank 5. Mr. Thomas Weinberg, COO, Finance Agency Federal Republic of Germany6. Mr. Martin
Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana. According to the Company approval loans from Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana the amount of 100 million baht during November - December 2012 and principal repayment schedule to be completed
Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana. According to the Company approval loans from Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana the amount of 100 million baht during November - December 2012 and principal repayment schedule to be completed
Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana. According to the Company approval loans from Mr.Boonsithi Chokwatana the amount of 100 million baht during November - December 2012 and principal repayment schedule to be completed
https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-digital.docx translate-spv.docx incurred in the actual handling of the matters shall be taken into consideration without the principal
https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-digital.docx translate-spv.docx incurred in the actual handling of the matters shall be taken into consideration without the principal
consideration without the principal intention being to generate revenue. The fees shall become the property of the SEC Office. Chapter 2 https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate