/ Social Project categories include, but are not limited to, providing and/or promoting: • Affordable basic infrastructure (e.g. clean drinking water, sewers, sanitation, transport, energy) • Access to
Burirum Education Company Limited World Dental Hospital Company Limited World Alternative Energy Company Limited Thai Bonnet Trading Zone Company Limited Suburb Estates Company Limited World Property and
/ หมำยถงึ ธรุกจิผลติภณัฑช์วีภำพของบรษิทั บบีจีไีอ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) และบรษิทัยอ่ย และสว่นแบ่งก ำไรจำกเงนิลงทุนในบรษิทัรว่ม 5/ หมำยถงึ ธรุกจิทรพัยำกรธรรมชำตขิอง กลุม่ NIDO Pretoleum Limited, BCP Energy
) telecommunication or information and communication technology infrastructure; (h) alternative energy; (i) water management system or irrigation; (j) natural disaster preventive system, including the warning and
) telecommunication or information and communication technology infrastructure; (h) alternative energy; (i) water management system or irrigation; (j) natural disaster preventive system, including the warning and
and communication technology infrastructure; (h) alternative energy; (i) water management system or irrigation; (j) natural disaster preventive system, including the warning and management systems to
. Headline inflation increased from 0.7 percent in 2017 to 1.1 percent in 2018 largely due to a rise in energy prices, particularly in the second and the third quarters of the year. Core inflation stood at 0.7
งังานไฟฟ้า (Energy Payment) ซึง่อา้งองิตามราคาก๊าซธรรมชาตทิีเ่พิม่ขึ้นรอ้ยละ 9.1 จากช่วงเดยีวกนัของปีก่อน รำยได้จำกกำรขำยไฟฟ้ำให้แก่ลูกค้ำอุตสำหกรรม ในประเทศไทย • รำยไ ด้จำกกำรขำยไฟฟ้ำใ ห้แ ก่ลูก ค้ำอุตสำ
Company will choose specifically the strategic investors. This is for the reason that the aforementioned investors have extensive investment experience in energy company , alternative energy company , a
from 3.3 percent in 2016 on the back of rising exports and a robust tourism sector, consistent with a stronger recovery in global demand. Headline inflation rose to 0.7 percent, following higher energy