is a suite of sector-specific eligibility Criteria. Each Sector Criteria sets climate change benchmarks for that sector that are used to screen assets and capital projects so that only those that have
. Annually screen and monitor all companies in the portfolio for deforestation and conversion performance to ensure that all relevant companies are not breaching deforestation-specific internal policies
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
, respectively. 3. Power Purchase Agreement Purchaser : Thai Oil Seller : The Company or Subsidiary 4. Operation and Maintenance Services Agreement Service Provider : Thai Oil Service Receiver: The Company or
(sustainability-linked token) ผูย้ืน่ค ำขอตอ้งจัดใหม้ผีูป้ระเมนิภำยนอกทีเ่ป็นอสิระ (external review provider) เพือ่ใหค้วำมเห็นหรอื รับรองกรอบและลักษณะกำรเสนอขำยโทเคนดจิทัิล (framework) วำ่เทยีบเคยีงไดกั้บมำตรฐำนสำ
transaction between subsidiary and related person. User : Cal-Comp Electronics and Communications Co., Ltd. Provider : Kinpo Electronics Inc. 3. Ordinary form of transaction Cal-Comp Electronics and
transaction between subsidiary and related person. User : Cal-Comp Electronics and Communications Co., Ltd. Provider : Kinpo Electronics Inc. 3. Ordinary form of transaction Cal-Comp Electronics and
MERKLE CAPITAL CO.,LTD. ORBIX INVEST ORBIX INVEST CO.,LTD. List of company licensed Cryptocurrency Investment Advisory Service Provider (Non-Securities
อง (lock screen) ป้องกนัไม่ใหเ้อกสำร ส่ือบนัทึกขอ้มูล คอมพิวเตอร์ หรือสำรสนเทศ อยูใ่นภำวะเส่ียง ต่อกำรเขำ้ถึงโดยผูไ้ม่มีสิทธิ (clear desk) ควบคุมผูใ้ชง้ำนใหร้ะมดัระวงัในกำรใหสิ้ทธิผูอ่ื้นในกำรเขำ้
sets climate change benchmarks for that sector that are used to screen assets and capital projects so that only those that have climate integrity, through their contribution to climate mitigation, and