escalation strategies to ensure that all companies in the portfolio meet 1.5°C aligned sector-specific benchmarks, taxonomies, or thresholds. Publish detailed voting policy and record on environmental, social
their staff’s trainings. Some audit firms additionally set disciplinary actions for staff who fail to meet the requirements. However, there remained some audit firms that did not have neither monitoring
Annual Report 2006 Khon... the classical masked drama since the Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350-1767). It is performed to the epic of Ramayana, which portrays the war between Rama (the Righteous King) and Totsakan (the Demon King), the Conquer of Good over Evil. Khon masks... headdresses worn by Khon performers, the single most important character-identifying piece of Khon costume. The masks, now an invaluable export item, epitomize the exquisite beauty and unique elegance of Thai fine arts. In Suppor...
form of cash dividends, loans or advances and the impact such restrictions have had or are expected to have on the ability of the issuer to meet its cash obligations. (c) information on the level of
' equity. However, the capital increase to VAVA will give the Company has enough money to expand both of the two lines’ flexible packaging to meet the target. The rate of return on investment in the flexible
ลักษณะที่ส ำคัญ ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำไทย) : กองทุนเปิดธนชาต อีสทส์ปริง Global Green Energy ช่ือกองทุน (ภำษำอังกฤษ) : Thanachart Eastspring Global Green Energy Fund ช่ือย่อ : T-ES-GGREEN ประเภท : กองทุนรวมตราสารทุนต่างประเทศ ประเภทกองทุนรวมหน่วยลงทุน Feeder Fund อำยุโครงกำร : ไม่ก าหนด จ ำนวนเงินของโครงกำร : 12,000,000,000.00 บาท วันที่ได้รับอนุมัติให้จัดต้ังและจัดกำรกองทุนรวม : 14 สิงหาคม 2563 วันที่จดทะเบียนกองทุนรวม : 1 ธันวาคม 2563 ประเภทและนโยบำยกำรลงทุนของกองทุนรวม 1. ประเภทโครงกำร • กองทุนรวมตร...
information related to the infrastructure asset or the infrastructure business such as financial, legal and technical information, and give an opinion that the infrastructure business to be invested meet the
information related to the infrastructure asset or the infrastructure business such as financial, legal and technical information, and give an opinion that the infrastructure business to be invested meet the
activities irrespective of Thai or foreign law, and shall also meet the following requirements: (1)2 not having characteristics under clause 15/1 ,except in the case where the applicant is a listed company
asset or the infrastructure business such as financial, legal and technical information, and give an opinion that the infrastructure business to be invested meet the following criteria: 1. being