%. The company reported FY17 sales revenue of THB 19,472 million (up 13%yoy), while the company showed FY17 EBITDA of THB 1,138 million (down 22%yoy). In addition, GGC has recognized profit of THB 88
the net trade debts of THB 1,136 million and some portion from the trade creditors agreed to reduce the accrued interests payable during the negotiation period before the completed debt-to-equity
to decrease the policy rate 0.25% per year from 1.75% per year to 1.50% per year that is the first time in 4 years. However investment from inside and outside of Thailand will be increased from this
developed the innovative products and digital financial services as to accommodate time saving for the customers, reduce expenses and make it easy to use. For example; 3.1 Internet Banking on Mobile (LH Bank
developed the innovative products and digital financial services as to accommodate time saving for the customers, reduce expenses and make it easy to use. For example; 3.1 Internet Banking on Mobile (LH Bank
activities that reduce GHG emissions to achieve the climate change mitigation objectives of the Kingdom of Thailand, which are in line with its climate policy and international obligations. Mitigation is also
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12mb in Q1 2018 which was subsequently written off in Q4 2018, the improvement in net profit should be 12.4%. 1. Revenue Structure Table 2: The break down revenue by business entities. Type of Revenue
12.00mb in Q1 2018 which was subsequently written off in Q4 2018, the improvement in net profit should be 12.4%. 1. Revenue Structure Table 2: The break down revenue by business entities. Type of Revenue
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