plans including actions to ensure impact performance ahead of ceasing or exiting activities managing unexpected negative impacts on Stakeholders arising from the emergence of additional impact
for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification
. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Office
(Translation) 9 April 2019 Subject: Disclosure of Additional Information on the Tender Offer for the Securities of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) No.1 Attention: Secretary-General, The Office of The Securities and Exchange Commission President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Board of Directors and Securities Holders of Glow Energy Public Company Limited Refers to: Tender Offer for the Securities of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (Form 247-4) dated 22 March 2019 Reference is...
PowerPoint Presentation THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS MD&A Q1/2020 PAGE 1 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q1/2020 After fully completed the acquisition of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (“GLOW”) in December 2019, the Company holds 99.83 percent of GLOW's total issued and sold shares, therefore in Q1/2020, the company recognizes the full operating results from GLOW, together with the investment projects and projects that have been opened f...
the English translation is strictly for reference. Accordingly, the SEC Office cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy, nor be held liable for any loss of damages arising from or related to
not be entitled to receive such dividend from the shares of the Offeree. In order to prevent complications or errors arising from the determination of right to receive such dividend, and to provide
by accidents, the Company has also insured against the property and outsiders as well. 3.4.3 Risks arising from changes in consumer behavior in the digital and online age In 2017, the advertising
significant financial instrument may have on the financial position and performance. The disclosure also includes the nature and extent of risks arising from the financial instruments and how such risks are
tax expenses: was THB 284 million in Q2/2020, increased by THB 254 million or 851% from Q2/2019 mainly due to an increase in deferred tax expenses arising from the implementation of Thai Financial