. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For years Variance 4/2019 3/2019 (%QoQ) 4/2018 (%YoY) 2019 2018 (%YoY) Net interest income 1,108.0 1,096.8 1.0 1,149.2
and the year of 2017: Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For years Variance 4/2018 3/2018 (%QoQ) 4/2017 (%YoY) 2018 2017 (%YoY) Net interest income
. Table: Operating Results (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance Quarter Variance For years Variance 4/2019 3/2019 (%QoQ) 4/2018 (%YoY) 2019 2018 (%YoY) Net interest income 1,108.0 1,096.8 1.0 1,149.2
deviation) ควำมเห็นบริษัทจัดกำรเกี่ยวกับกำรลงทุนและทิศทำงในอนำคต พอร์ตกำรลงทุน ณ 30 มิ.ย. 59 กรอบการลงทุน : หุ้นไทย 100% โดยเน้นลงทุนใน SET50 แต่อาจลงทุนในหุ้นขนาดเล็กบ้างถ้ามีจังหวะท าก าไร และ กระจายการ
Numbers Consolidated Financial Statement Separate Financial Statement Q2/2017 Q2/2016 %variance Q2/2017 Q2/2016 %variance 1. Main income (million THB) 2,038.31 5,162.83 (60.52%) 1,665.18 4,661.26 (64.28%) 2
: Profit/Loss Statement in Q3/2017 and 2016 Numbers Consolidated Financial Statement Separate Financial Statement Q3/2017 Q3/2016 %variance Q3/2017 Q3/2016 %variance 1. Main income (million THB) 2,346.48
2017 and 2016 Table 1: Profit/Loss Statement in 2017 and 2016 Numbers Consolidated Financial Statement Separate Financial Statement 2017 2016 %variance 2017 2016 %variance 1. Main income (million THB
ratio of the Company and subsidiary companies Unit: Million THB Type of Income Q2/2019 Q2/2018 %variance First Half 2019 First Half 2018 % variance Note 1. Income from Sale of Real Estate 1 1,366.28
to the profit of 23.44 million baht) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 4. The
baht (from 14.37 million baht in 2016 to 25.24 million baht in 2017) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward