Section 135 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 135. In the management of a private fund, the securities company shall arrange for the appointment of a custodian with an approval of the
Section 135 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 135. In the management of a private fund, the securities company shall arrange for the appointment of a custodian with an approval of the
/%%**3 % Depositary Receipt (DR) A3 ,% B ' Custodian / ,3BFB,( $ %BFB#+.G % % ,(* ".B#H I&&-% A( TCR #H*#BB $ / .&B AB $ %&& *- & * A( 20% *A( -*'M# 3 ' A( TCR ( DR #H /"* ( & '* ".#HA
appoint custodians which approved by SEC to protect investors’ assets.However, SEC intends to revise the regulations by allowing private fund operators with custodian services to protect investors
: ___________________________________________________________ Tel No.: _____________________________ Fax No.: __________________________ Part E: Trustee of the Hong Kong Covered Fund Same as Custodian No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 19
.: __________________________ Part E: Trustee of the Hong Kong Covered Fund Same as Custodian No [if “No”, please provide further information below] 19) Name of Trustee
Procedures for Approval of the Private Fund Custodian 22/12/2004 16/12/2004 4. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board 85/2552 03/08/2009 01/09/2009 5. Notification of Capital Market
case of REITs and Infra Trusts, a trustee must notify the trust manager of their resignation not less than 90 days in advance. The trust manager must notify the public by Electronic Company
เป็นส าคัญ ในหลายประเทศจึงมีการก าหนด เร่ืองการจัดการกองทุนด้วยหลัก fiduciary duty1 ไว้ในระดับกฎหมาย และสร้างกลไกการ oversight กองทุนรวม ซึ่งในแต่ละประเทศมีกลไกที่แตกต่างกันไปตามรูปแบบการจัดตั้งกองทุน
Advice for All A Settlor of an Infrastructure Trust A Trustee of An Infrastructure Trust Digital Asset Business Operators English