, representing the investment amount of Baht 500,000,000. In this regard, the Company has resolved to authorize the authorization of directors to bind the Company or the Chief Executive Officer or any person
Whereas Union Plastic Public Company Limited (the Company) submitted its financial statement for three months ending 30 September 2017, the financial statements show investments by the Company’s equity
statements show net profits from continuing operations of the parent company for the 3-month period ended March 31, 2020 in the amount of 5.86 million baht, a decrease of 0.8 million baht from the same period
their clients regarding investment advice, negotiations and trading orders for at least one month from the date of such activities. This is to show evidence of duty performance toward their clients and
interested in Life-Path type of provident fund, which automatically changes its investment ratios as the employees become older. In the 2nd quarter of the year 2018, statistics show that 7 investment
: investglobalmanagement.com show messages soliciting foreigners in Thailand to invest in securities such as stocks, mutual funds and structured notes on a trading platform, and the investors who use the service are subject to
failed to show evidence of their clients trading orders, and most of them admitted that they had taken orders via mobile phone, claiming the clients unfamiliarity with order execution via phone recording
publicize Anti-corruption Progress Indicators of every securities and asset management companies from 2016 onwards. The disclosure aims to show implementation progress of securities business operators? anti
quarter of 2018 would show a great decrease in profits. She sold out 314,500 of UVAN shares that were held under the trading account of Amornrat to avoid loss before UVAN submitted its financial
PowerPoint Presentation 0 THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP ค ำอธิบำยและ กำรวเิครำะห์ ของฝ่ำยจัดกำร (MD&A) ไตรมำสท่ี 4/2561และปี 2561 บริษัท โกลบอล เพาเวอร์ ซินเนอร์ยี่ จ ากัด (มหาชน) ค ำอธิบำยและกำรวิเครำะห์ของฝ่ำยจดักำร (MD&A) ไตรมำสที่ 4/2561 และปี 2561 Management Discussion & Analysis สรุปผลกำรด ำเนินงำนไตรมำสที่ 4/2561 และปี 2561 บทสรุป ผู้บริหำร บทสรุปผู้บริหำร 1 จีเค (ISP1) เร่ิมด าเนินการเชิงพาณิชย์ตั้งแต่เดือนธันวาคม 2560 นอกจากน้ี ส่วนแบ่งก าไรจากเงินลงทุนในบริษัทร่วมและการร่ว...