service from any service providers, such service providers shall have financial stability with capability and readiness to provide service and comply with rules specified by the SEC or the Office and code
18.61 24.18 (5.56) (23.02) Attributed to the stakeholders with non-controlling capability in subsidiary companies 3.43 3.70 (0.26) (7.14) The Company's service income for the three-month period As of
8.48% 5.54 18.35 Profit sharing Attributed to the shareholders of the Company 18.61 4.82% 29.62 6.90% 25.60 7.20% 4.02 15.69 Attributed to the stakeholders with non-controlling capability in subsidiary
-controlling capability in subsidiary companies 6.09 1.42% 6.26 1.29% 4.66 1.26% 1.60 34.31 Total income from the services of the company for 3 months. End at 30 September 2018 is 486.67 million baht and 30
worksheet ท่ีเป็นมำตรฐำนกลำง เพ่ือให้บริษัทกรอกข้อมูลลักษณะ เดียวกัน 3. ในกำรจัดท ำแบบ 56-1 บริษัทสำมำรถใช้ตำรำง รูปภำพ หรือกรำฟฟิค เพื่อประโยชน์ ในกำรส่ือสำรประชำสัมพันธ์ให้ผู้ถือหุ้นหรือผู้ลงทุนเข้ำใจข้อมูล
show its capability to operate as a derivatives exchange as prescribed under Section 57 and in accordance with the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Notification of the Capital
products to meet investors’ long-term investment goals; (3) Supporting SME Growth and Financing: To lay out a direction for developing small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) capability
enhance the capability to develop new products to catch up with the technology changing and the dynamic marketing. Operating profit in Q1-19 totaling Baht 979 million or Baht 71 million down from the same
period of five years prior to submitting the application; (b) the person shall be knowledgeable and have capability in performing a reliable valuation of infrastructure assets ; 2 (2) in the case that the
understanding, education and awareness of the importance of saving and investment as well as building the public’s capability to optimize the use of capital market to pursue their financial goals more