continuously, which is Ozonated Water Machinery (Ozonated Water). As well, the Company also aims to expand business to CLMV countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam); which are the countries having
of “More than just a high quality coffee” with the intent to bring over high quality Thai brand coffee to Cambodia and Laos PDR, thus further increasing the Company’s capabilities to expand the
contributed by the performance of “Fit Fast Firm” projects e.g. lower cullet costs, new formulation, lower sugar costs and light-weight bottle, however, somewhat offset by cost increase from natural gas. - The
household consumption index continued to expand but the recovery in consumption of low-income households remained subdued, reflecting growth in limited sections. Moreover, growth in tourism industry failed to
. Although the economy performed well in a big picture, the economy at grassroots level has yet to sufficiently expand. This was seen in growth of private consumption, growth of durable goods consumption
economic activity in the second quarter of 2017 continued to expand, driven by export of goods which showed a high and more broad-based expansion and the tourism sector which continued to expand steadily
exchange fluctuations and causing to slower sales to the countries that have suffered the most such as India, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, and many more. However, the Company continues to expand the
. However, the Company has continued to expand new distribution channels such as Pop-up Store, Mini Shop at HQ Rama 9, and E-commerce. The Company arranged marketing activities to draw customers and to
). This was mainly contributed by the performance of “Fit Fast Firm” project, which drove down raw material and packaging costs (sugar, cullet, and other packaging materials), optimized product formulation
เป็นต้น ภำยใต้สโลแกน “LH Bank M Choice ท าธุรกรรมการเงินได้ในแอพเดียว” 3.2 บริการธนาคารทางอินเตอร์เน็ต (LH Bank Speedy) เป็นบริกำรที่เพิ่มควำมสะดวก ในกำรท ำธุรกรรมทำงกำรเงินที่สำมำรถท ำได้ทุกวัน ทุกที่ ทุก