(Fund Standard Deviation) 8.33% 7.45% 8.33% ความผันผวนของดัชนีชี้วัด (Benchmark Standard Deviation) 6.80% 6.45% 6.80% หมายเหตุ - ดัชนีช ี ้ว ัด คือ ดัชนี Barclays Global-Aggregate Total Return Index Value
]St0 HC = Ct1−[Delta]St1 DeltaBS = f ( St0, K, T, r, σ ) Historical statistic : Standard deviation Implied statistic : Min ∑ (Cmarket – C theoretical) 2 DeltaWM = f ( St0, K, T, r, μ, σ* ) σ* = f (r, μ
"!*ก# U7 T UU$K !,QK!ก7Q!Uก"!*ก#/ !,QK!8,"7ก 8 !8*!ก HP?H-7KH
risk free rate SD is standard deviation 3.1.2 Minimum Variance 3.rd or min 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 12... 2 ...p Minw w w w = + + + + is weight of asset is volatility is correlation
planting season has shifted to this quarter and the raining season has started so the water situation was getting better even though a severe drought is still causing extensive damage in some areas. Moreover
associates of THB 53mn mainly resulting from a severe COVID-19 impact in the Indonesian market. Net loss was THB 161mn with a net loss margin of 31.7%. However, EBITDA was a lower negative of THB 44mn. Our
to less rainfall and low water level in reservoirs which unfavored for agricultural production. And once it was rainy season, the Northeastern region of Thailand also had a severe flood that caused a
โยบำยกำรลงทุน) ดงัน้ี: 1. อตัรำผลตอบแทนยอ้นหลงั (รำยปีปฎิทิน) อยำ่งนอ้ย 10 ปี (หรือตั้งแต่จดัตั้งกองทุนกรณีจดัตั้งกองทุน นอ้ยกวำ่ 10 ปี) รวมถึง benchmark และมูลค่ำควำมเส่ียง (standard deviation และค่ำ
drop in selling price led by oil price fluctuation. This also caused a severe price war among the traders of plastic resins and petrochemical industry. Total selling and administrative expenses increased
million to be Baht 70.8 million or equivalent to 6.17% resulting from the drop in gross profit margin from 8.22% in Q1/2018 to be 8.15%. This was derived from the severe price competition in some products