concentration risk due to investment in products of any single issuer. Under such conditions, a credit risk on any specific issuer in a term fund’s portfolio could adversely affect the net asset value of the
ความเสีย่งในการประกอบธรุกจิ โดยไมส่รา้งภาระเกนิจ าเป็น และไมก่อ่ใหเ้กดิความเสีย่งตอ่ตลาดทนุโดยรวมมากเกนิไป หลกัการ Total Asset Risk H/C Total liabilities (excl. Qualified Sub-Debt) Net Capital Illiquid
• Property damage Credit risk • Defaults by businesses and households • Collateral depreciation Market risk • Repricing of equities, fixed income, commodities etc. Operational risk • Supply chain disruption
) (Foreign Exchange Rate Risk) (USD) (USD) (Feeder Fund) / (Fund of Funds) (risk spectrum) 30 / / / / ( ) 2 80 79 . 25 . . . (Circle Investment) (Cascade Investment) (Derivatives) (Hedging) (Derivatives
Securities) 20 (Derivatives) (Hedging) (Foreign Exchange Rate Risk) (USD) (USD) (Feeder Fund) / (Fund of Funds) (risk spectrum) 30 AIA-GCA 2 - - - ? - - / / / / - - 2 3 - / - (Derivatives) - (Derivatives
Limited Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) (Luxembourg) ? 1. (Structured Note) 2. (Unlisted Securities) (Derivatives) (Hedging) (Foreign Exchange Rate Risk) (USD) (USD
presentation of auditor?s concerns with key risk factors and risk handling methods clearly identified.? The New Auditor?s Report Educational Project aims to provide knowledge and usage guide to the new auditor?s
notification is due to the fact that at present securities companies are allowed to make offshore investment which contains higher risks than domestic investment in such areas as foreign exchange rate risk
is due to the fact that at present securities companies are allowed to make offshore investment which contains higher risks than domestic investment in such areas as foreign exchange rate risk
foreign exchange rate risk, economic and political risk as well as regional risk of the countries in which they have invested. Since the aforesaid risks may affect the financial status of the securities