placed importance on good internal control system, organization structure, proper separation of authority and functions, as well as database system for preparing financial reports accurately. Thus, the SEC
หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลตลาดทุนมาเลเซีย (Securities Commission Malaysia) และสิงคโปร์ (Monetary Authority of Singapore) ได้ลงนามในบันทึกความเข้าใจด้านการกำหนดแนวทางการยอมรับมาตรฐานหน่วยลงทุนซึ่งกันและกัน เพื่อ
authorized by the regulator having authority to regulate such scheme. Clause 2 This Notification shall come into force as from 16 January 2013. Notified this 21th day of November 2008. -signature- (Chaikasem
by the regulator having authority to regulate such scheme. Clause 2 This Notification shall come into force as from 16 January 2013. Notified this 21th day of November 2008. -signature- (Chaikasem
by the regulator having authority to regulate such scheme. Clause 2 This Notification shall come into force as from 16 January 2013. Notified this 21th day of November 2008. -signature- (Chaikasem
an audit oversight authority. Signature of the applicant to certify true copy is required. (9) Photocopy of the latest inspection result or report issued by the audit oversight authority. Signature of
] has certain behaviors indicating unlawful acts subject to administrative sanction; (4) “authority” means the SEC, administrative panel and the SEC Office, as the case maybe; (5) “administrative panel
Pittayasophon, SEC Deputy Secretary-General, delivered the opening remarks and recapped the SEC’s regulatory and enforcement responsibilities. The topics included key offenses under the SEC authority such as
executives of listed companies in Thailand for the duration of the legal proceedings. Meanwhile, the managerial authority over POLAR’s assets was transferred to the receiver of the Legal Execution
and submit the findings and views to public prosecutor who has authority to prosecute the case against the offenders. The consideration of whether person is guilty or not is thereafter vested on the