(3.6) Profits before bad debts and doubtful accounts, and income tax expenses 1,135.4 1,370.5 (17.2) 946.6 19.9 4,898.7 4,291.9 14.1 Profits before income tax expenses 1,062.5 920.5 15.4 886.6 19.8
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
, 36 MW solar farms in Thailand have been acquired in 2016 and 2017. The revenues from renewable energy are starting to contribute a significant portion of the profits since 2018 onwards. Subsequently
percent compared to year 2015, due to decrease of salary, employment benefit, doubtful accounts, fees and other administrative expenses which are in line with the Company’s organizational management as
increase of salary, employment benefit, doubtful accounts, fees and other administrative expenses which are in line with the Company’s organizational management as aforementioned details. 5. Finance Costs
Liabilities and provision from tax assessments 239 239 0.0 Other current liabilities 445 317 40.3 Provision for long-term employee benefit 1,201 1,234 (2.7) Other non-current liabilities 706 668 5.7 Total
statements, use NTA from consolidated financial statements (data should be extracted from the latest financial statements) NA Calculation based on net operating profits (Net operating profits of the investment
), is a reasonable transaction. The objective of the transaction is to restructure shareholding structure of group company to maximize business benefit. The share purchasing price is based on the Net
transaction value Calculation Criteria Calculation Transaction size Account Value of the Tangible Asset Not qualified - Net Profits from Usual Operation Not qualified - Total Value of Consideration Paid THB