planned-shutdown hours in the fourth quarter of 2022 lower than the third quarter of 2022. Gross profit margin decrease 6.4% YoY from 33.5% to 27.1% mainly derived from gross profit margin of natural gas
decreased. Gross profit of natural gas power plant decreased as the natural gas power plants had shutdown hours to improve the power plants machinery’s efficiency in the fourth quarter of 2023. In addition
Profit % % % % % % Biomass Power Plants 29.7 36.9 38.0 35.3 (2.7) 35.1 28.2 6.9 Natural Gas Power Plant 27.1 27.4 28.1 29.1 1.0 27.9 29.0 (1.1) Solid Waste Power Plant 43.7 50.2 45.6 59.0 13.4 50.6 43.4
Profit % % % % % % Biomass Power Plants 29.7 36.9 38.0 35.3 (2.7) 35.1 28.2 6.9 Natural Gas Power Plant 27.1 27.4 28.1 29.1 1.0 27.9 29.0 (1.1) Solid Waste Power Plant 43.7 50.2 45.6 59.0 13.4 50.6 43.4
project e.g. lower cullet costs, new formulation, lower sugar costs, however, somewhat offset by cost increase from natural gas. *Net Profit = Net Profit attributable to owners of the parent Financial
98% 626 624 0.3% Natural Resource Business Group 5/ (101) 145 -170% (81) -26% 21 24 -11% Others 6/ (75) (94) 20% (61) -24% (245) (190) -29% Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 370 528 -30
Q2/2019 corresponding to higher electricity sales volume and lower average natural gas price. When comparing to gross profit of Q1/2020, there was an increase in gross profit by THB 61 million or 2% in
gross profit for Small Power Producer (SPP) increased as a result of the lower natural gas and coal price, following the world crude oil price. In addition, the maintenance cost fell as there were no
(NL1PC). However, the company’s net profit in 2018 did not increase significantly because natural gas prices had increased substantially in the second half of 2018 while the Fuel tariff rate (Ft) almost
(NL1PC). However, the company’s net profit in 2018 did not increase significantly because natural gas prices had increased substantially in the second half of 2018 while the Fuel tariff rate (Ft) almost