products, of which produced by our 3rd party manufacture which typically deliver lower gross profit margin, and a wider product variety of 3rd party products for distribution, which each offers different
party products for distribution, which each offers different gross profit margins. Therefore, such significant rise in sales from these two categories lowered the average gross profit margin from domestic
, of which produced by our 3rd party manufacture which typically deliver lower gross profit margin, and a wider product variety of 3rd party products for distribution, which each offers different gross
Analysis for Year Ended December 31, 2017 as follows:- Consolidation Financial Statement (MB) The Company (MB) 2017 2016 Different 2017 2016 Different Sales and Service Income 4,731 3,713 1,018 27% 4,190
same period of last year Q2-2016. Company Name The employee benefit obligation * Old Basic Information The employee benefit obligation * New Basic Information Different from The employee benefit
660.50 83.17% 1,303.52 139.15% -643.02 -49.33% Profit before finance costs and income tax expense 133.69 16.83% -366.74 -39.15% 500.42 -136.45% Finance costs 36.13 4.55% 45.56 4.86% -9.43 -20.69% Profit
660.50 83.17% 1,303.52 139.15% -643.02 -49.33% Profit before finance costs and income tax expense 133.69 16.83% -366.74 -39.15% 500.42 -136.45% Finance costs 36.13 4.55% 45.56 4.86% -9.43 -20.69% Profit
and services 263.70 277.74 (14.04) (5.06) Total Costs of Sales and Services 753.19 734.65 18.54 2.52 Gross Profit 272.67 283.71 (11.04) (3.89) Other incomes 12.44 10.60 1.84 17.36 Distribution costs
according to criteria for assets appraisal with Replacement Cost method. 8. Benefit Expected to Gain by the Company The Company expects such Franchise acquisition shall enable to generate income and profit to
to core business of the Company. This is expected to generate income and profit to the Company, then, makes the Company gain much more improved financial position and operating performance that leads