December 2018 before retrospectively adjust was THB 14,329.7mn and after the retrospectively adjust was THB 14,376.4mn, an increase of THB 46.7mn. 2) the total shareholders’ equity as of 31 December 2018
bunch (FFB) in April 2020. As CPO expeditiously increased as mentioned above, the Company could not adjust selling price to keep up with the CPO market price; therefore cost of sales ratio increased from
subsidiaries has adjust the doubtful account amount Baht 0.80 million. 6. Financial expenses Financial expenses consisted of interest of banks and interest of hire purchase in the second quarter 2020 at Baht
arise from the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in order to protect future interests of the Company and shareholders. The Company continues to monitor the situation closely in order to adjust
and expenses as much as possible to adjust to the continuous decline in revenue due to the effects of the current economic situation, which is expected to continue through the year 2020. In the Tooling
company closely monitors the situation in order to adjust strategy, management, and resolve any situation in a timely manner. For the collective financial statement, the Company Group earns from
comparison during year 2019 which is a guideline that can be done according to the requirements of the said financial reporting standards thus group of company choose to adjust list of cumulative happened from
P A R E N C Y G O V E R N A N C E 5. Adjust strategy and goals as needed to optimize impact 8. Integrate IMM framework into management systems and decision-making SDG Guidebook for Thai Listed
price dumping, and (4) disclosing relevant information to assist investors in making informed investment decisions. In this context, the SET’s Board of Governors may adjust and implement the above
going public. Besides, many participated businesses have high potential and are willing to adjust themselves to remain competitive in an increasingly global competitive environment. This could be deemed