approx. 71%:29% • Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales • Head office pick up • OEM/Food Manufacturing under the company’s trademark or per customers
• Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales and Head office pick up • OEM/Food Manufacturing under the Company’s trademark or per customers’ demand Dessert Café Non
delivery services (portion of In-store sales : Take home product sales approx. 65%:35%) • Sales of beverages and desserts across 11 company-owned outlets under “Mikka” brand • Finished or intermediate
beverages and desserts across 12 company-owned outlets under “Mikka” brand • Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales and Head office pick up • OEM/Food
“Mikka” brand • Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales and Head office pick up • OEM/Food Manufacturing under the Company’s trademark or per customers
company-owned outlets under “Mikka” brand • Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales products and Head office pick up • OEM/Food Manufacturing under the
outlets under “Mikka” brand • Finished or intermediate products, which can be categorized as follows: • Online sales products and Head office pick up • OEM/Food Manufacturing under the Company’s trademark
sold products might be high if retailers offer many intermediate products. On the other hand, if it offers many finished products, the use of sold products emission might be materialistic Emission
XAUUSD (gold spot) ทีม่ลีักษณะการจา่ยผลตอบแทนแบบ twin-win เป็นสว่นสรา้งผลตอบแทนสว่นเพิม่ใหก้บักองทนุ ความเสีย่งทีร่าคาของสนิทรัพย์ อา้งองิ ปรับตัวขึน้หรอืลงเกนิกวา่ ระดับ Barrier ผลกระทบตอ่ การลงทนุ • หาก
ปรับตัวขึน้หรอืลงเกนิกวา่ ระดับ Barrier ผลกระทบตอ่ การลงทนุ • หากราคาสนิทรัพยอ์า้งองิปรับตัว ขึน้หรอืลงมากกวา่ Barrier: นัก ลงทนุไดผ้ลตอบแทนชดเชยที ่ 0.25% จงึจะไมไ่ดรั้บผลตอบแทน ตามสนิทรัพยอ์า้งองิ ความ