modify the rules concerning the preparation of reports on provident fund management and the calculation of investment limits of provident funds in respect of the provident funds with multiple investment
modify the rules concerning the preparation of reports on provident fund management and the calculation of investment limits of provident funds in respect of the provident funds with multiple investment
Notification is to modify the rules concerning the preparation of reports on provident fund management and the calculation of investment limits of provident funds in respect of the provident funds with multiple
would be the only approach to make sure that only the audit engagements, for which the firms could execute with a high quality standard of work, are accepted. Assessment on the adequacy of human resources
misconduct was deemed as failure (1) to perform duties or provide services honestly and (2) to execute trading transactions according to the order of the account owner or the authorized person. Moreover, he
account owner. Meanwhile, Patcharee took trading orders from an unthorized person. Nattapon?s misconduct was deemed as failure (1) to perform duties or provide services honestly and (2) to execute trading
total units sold, a trustee shall not conduct or allow to execute the transaction arising conflict of interest with REIT. Clause 4 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 September 2014
without any objection. Meanwhile, in the latter period, he sought approval from the clients on the broad pre-determined price ranges of derivatives and securities. Accordingly, he could immediately execute
Phillip Securities (THAILAND) and the SEC?s further investigation, it was revealed that Pornthip had used blank trading orders authorized in advance with the signatures of five clients to execute unit sale
2016.In any case, investors should not disclose their usernames and passwords for investment consultants to execute trading orders on their behalf. Similarly, investment consultants must not seek