Bangkok, December 4, 2008 ? As appeared in the news that S.E.C. Auto Sales and Services Plc. ("SECC"), its executives and other related persons, might have acted in contravention of the securities
new chapter on institutional investors (considering the prevalence of concentrated ownership in Asia). It was suggested that the Asian Roundtable might next address the role of stock exchanges in
utilized or have not reached the optimal level yet. Therefore, cost per unit was higher at this point, which might continue to impact the Company’s operating performance in the short term, or for the next 2
delayed due to an impact of COVID-19. Moreover, the Company also stocked up more inventories because of uncertian situations that might occur from the pandemic, Property, plant and equipments as of March 31
Consumer Staples Energy Positive Inline Negative สัดส่วนจ านวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนที่ม ีearning surprise ทางบวก/ลบ Source: Bloomberg, data as of May 2024 นอกจากนี้บริษัทจดทะเบียนเกินครึ่งรายงานก าไรสุทธิสูงกว่า
continue to monitor the outbreak situation that might affect the Company’s operation. Revenue from sales of goods and rendering service Revenue from sales of goods and rendering service for the first quarter
Activity report 2015 En require by the auditing standards, nor did they provide adequate examples of factors that might affect the determination of sample size. - Archive of audit files, in both paper and
Triratvorakul, the Bank of Thailand Governor said, ?The potential root causes or threats that influence people to make an adverse decision on their saving and spending manner might consist of 3 factors which are
test. In addition, intermediaries must inform AI to be aware that they might receive less information than that receive in the course of public offering of securities. Taking suitability test may be
business in a number of jurisdictions. Regarding investor concern over securities houses? proprietary trading that might be seen as taking advantage of customer and thus deteriorate investor confidence in