(0.08) (0.08) Gross Margin -101% -45% Net Profit Margin -254% -96% Financial Performance for the 9 months ended Sebtember 30, 2019 (Unit : Millon Bath) 2019 2019 Inc/(Dec) % Construction income 218.48
) Gross Margin -101% -45% Net Profit Margin -254% -96% Financial Performance for the 9 months ended Sebtember 30, 2019 (Unit : Millon Bath) 2019 2019 Inc/(Dec) % Construction income 218.48 116.33 102.15
plant for the first quarter of 2022 slightly increase by 2.6% when comparing to the first quarter of 2021 and according to the formula of gross profit margin which calculated by taking gross margin
gross margin from 13.59% in 2018 to 4.19% in the year 2019, which has a major cause from the loss of the construction business, 94.23 million baht. However, the company has gross profit from sales of
cost of goods sold was USD 805.31 million (or equivalent to Baht 25,376.49 million) or 95.26% of sale revenues which decreased from 96.83% in year 2018, and the gross margin increased from 3.17% in 2018
0.06 -6.81 -3.63 Gross Margin 28.25 10.73 25.35 14.62 136.25 -2.90 -10.27 Admin Expenses 10.85 11.10 33.92 22.82 205.59 23.07 212.63 Selling Expenses 3.84 3.36 9.18 5.82 173.21 5.34 139.06 Net Profit
180.77 0.11 0.06 -6.81 -3.63 Gross Margin 28.25 10.73 25.35 14.62 136.25 -2.90 -10.27 Admin Expenses 10.85 11.10 33.92 22.82 205.59 23.07 212.63 Selling Expenses 3.84 3.36 9.18 5.82 173.21 5.34 139.06 Net
204.16 23.39 12.94 20.79 11.34 Gross Margin 17.83 25.35 47.04 21.69 85.56 29.21 163.83 Admin Expenses 3.84 33.92 26.47 -7.45 -21.96 22.63 589.32 Selling Expenses 2.43 9.18 11.70 2.52 27.45 9.27 381.48 Net
Sold 183.37 180.77 204.16 23.39 12.94 20.79 11.34 Gross Margin 17.83 25.35 47.04 21.69 85.56 29.21 163.83 Admin Expenses 3.84 33.92 26.47 -7.45 -21.96 22.63 589.32 Selling Expenses 2.43 9.18 11.70 2.52
revenues which increased from 95.26% in year 2019, and the gross margin decreased from 4.74% in 2019 to 4.06% in 2020. The decrease of gross profit margin was mainly due to differences in product mix and the