capital 20.2 Issued and paid-up share capital 21. Stock rights and warrants 22. Additional paid-in capital (discount on capital stock)) 23. Appraisal surplus 24. revaluation surplus (deficit) in investments
Attachment 3 Details of the head of internal control and compliance supervisor Attachment 4 Details of the asset appraisal Part 1 1 Executive Summary Summary of the Initial Public Offering Public Limited
120,000,000 2.95 3. Approved the adjustment to increase the base price for divestment of some certain assets of the Company to be in accordance with the new assessment value as adjusted by the asset appraiser
120,000,000 2.95 3. Approved the adjustment to increase the base price for divestment of some certain assets of the Company to be in accordance with the new assessment value as adjusted by the asset appraiser
120,000,000 2.95 3. Approved the adjustment to increase the base price for divestment of some certain assets of the Company to be in accordance with the new assessment value as adjusted by the asset appraiser
. (approved by the Office of the SEC) Valuation for accounting purposes on December 20, 2018 Government Land Appraisal Price : 28,605,000.00 Baht or 500,000.00 Baht/rai Cost of Purchase Value : 11,600,770.70
for nine-month periods ended September 30, 2018 and 2019, our management’ s assessment of the factors that may affect our prospects and performance in future periods. The following discussion and
Limited (Amendment) Panjawattana Plastic Public Company Limited (“the Company”) would like to inform that the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No. 2/2020, which held on 6 March 2020, approved to
Ref: NEP065-2018 May 9, 2018 Subject: The Entry into the Connected Transaction To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand NEP Realty and Industry Public Company Limited (“the Company”) would like
the Company No. 3 (ECF-W3) East Coast Furnitech Public Company Limited (the “Company”) would like to inform the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 9/2019, held on 20 September 2019 to