; - Revision to the principal repayment conditions, from nine installments to four installments during the extended maturity period. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits
performance. In this connection, the SEC extended the submission deadline for the company?s rectified 2010 financial statements as requested.
principle that the asset classes eligible for the repurchase (repo) and reverse repurchase (reverse repo) agreements between the securities companies and non-institutional investors be extended to include
publication of the financial statements on newspaper and at open space of the premises of the business operators must be postponed as well.To mitigate the impacts of the situation, SEC has extended the
publication of the financial statements on newspaper and at open space of the premises of the business operators must be postponed as well.To mitigate the impacts of the situation, SEC has extended the
Bangkok, September 8, 2008 ? The SEC has extended until October 15, 2008 its hearing on the draft regulations to be introduced to enable establishment and management of infrastructure funds in the
per unit as of the issuance date, and consideration for approval of the repayment of the outstanding principal on the maturity date of the extended period of two years; Agenda Item
dates of the interest payments. The remaining principals of the bonds will be repaid on the maturity dates of the extended periods. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the
) Offering period extension: the offering period of each issue shall be extended from 30 days to three months (the closing date shall be the last day of the filing quarter of the calendar year). The SEC
Budsaratragoon, SEC Secretary-General, extended congratulations to the award-winning teams and expressed support for the realization of the participants' innovations. She further encouraged the development of