go into daily necessities and non-durable consumer goods having inelastic demands. • Liquidity in the company remains high with cash and cash equivalents of US$0.6B and unutilized credit lines of US
billboards" with Delighting International Co., Ltd. "DLI" and named "DCORP-DLI Joint Venture" for Electronic Bidding (e-bidding) No. 8/2020 Wages to raise awareness to the public with intelligent publicity
Intelligent) In 2018, can sell such products which the quality and efficiency of the products resulting in the year 2019, the company received orders from a local customer to install such products with a
ภณัฑ์ใหม่ซึงเป็นนวตักรรมประหยดัพลงังานไฟฟ้าสําหรับเครืองปรบัอากาศ (WATER INTPAD : Water Intelligent) อย่างต่อเนือง ปัจจบุนั บรษิทัฯ ไดร้บัคาํสั งซือจากลกูคา้ในประเทศรายหนึงเพือให้เข้า ติดตั งสนิค้าดัง
categories especially in durable goods which showed significant contractions since the second quarter onwards from the contractions in vehicle sales. Key factors include the weakened household income and
especially in durable goods which showed significant contractions since the second quarter onwards from the contractions in vehicle sales. Key factors include the weakened household income and tightening of
Brand”, having communicated to customer groups to become aware of the variety of “Diamond” brand products, which are strong and durable resulting in trustworthiness from the customers through every
demand faced contraction in the same direction as private consumption on durable goods and services significantly contracted because people avoided going outside. Other fators include the suspension of a
segment were also severely impacted due to lockdowns, less consumer spending on durables and travel restrictions although Hygiene Fibers had stellar results. • Non-durable end markets for IVL products
พร้อมพงษ์ และศำลำแดง ภำยในไตรมำส 2 ปี 2562/63 INTELLIGENT DIGITAL OOH: สถานชี่องนนทร ี 11 ตลำด ในภูมิภำคเอเชีย บริษัท วี จี ไอ โกลบอล มีเดีย จ ำกัด (มหำชน) ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะห์ฐำนะทำงกำรเงินและผลกำรด ำ