excess the need of its productions. 1.2 Revenue from Refining Service The Company does not provide refining service revenue in the 1st quarter of 2020 as the Company has increased sales volumes, so not
Service The Company does not have refining service revenue since the 2nd quarter of 2019 because have not enough capacity to services. 1.3 Refined Glycerine In the 2nd quarter of 2020 had revenue of 43.04
quarter of 2019 because had not enough capacity to services. 1.3 Refined Glycerine In the 3rd quarter of 2020 had revenue of 33.56 million Baht which decreased by 22.00% from the 2nd quarter of 2020, which
ที่ 0107556000311 1.2 Revenue from Refining Service The Company does not have refining service revenue since the 2nd quarter of 2019 because it has not enough capacity to services. 1.3 Refined Glycerine
market price of each product. 1.2 Revenue from Refining Service The Company did not provide refining service revenue in the 1st quarter of 2021 and 2020 because there was not enough capacity to services
productions. 1.2 Revenue from Refining Service The Company had no refining service revenue since the 2nd quarter of 2019 because there was not enough capacity to services. However, the Company is in the process
a customer in the related industry. 1.2 Revenue from Refining Service The Company had no refining service revenue since the 2rd quarter of 2019 because there was not enough capacity to services
Normal Approval Applicant’s personal record and firm’s profile Instruction a. If there is insufficient space for any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of
the GDP; (2) Lack money management skills; (3) Lack ability to drive the country productivity growth as aging society is approaching; (4) Lack retirement savings resulted from insufficient savings and
Department accepted on 13 May 2018. Earlier, the Department dismissed IFEC request to have Mr. Theetiphan Thepphadungporn registered as a new director.Having only three directors on the board is insufficient