organizations for their outstanding achievements in deploying information and communication technologies to enhance efficiency, capacity and operation. FutureGov Awards are divided into 16 categories: (1
-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol is the only official receives the “Outstanding Digital Organization Leader Award” this year. “SEC strong advocates on bringing digital technology to improve our services
of SEC approved-auditors. The project aims to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a potential to raise fund through capital market and expected to help enhance Thailand?s readiness to
, followed by Property & Construction, Industrial, and Services with 12 companies each. To honor the companies having strong determination to improve their corporate governance, TIA in this year assessment
, using technology to improve business efficiency and adjust themselves to correspond with technological rapid changing during digital age, including business matching activity to drive business growth
landscape, and endorsement of international standards. The SEC has also laid out the strategic plan for the next three years (2019-2021) focusing on the optimum use of technologies to enhance market
and listed companies to comply with IOSCO standards and enhance the reliability of the Thai capital market and the confidence of domestic and overseas investors, the SEC has taken into account the
, with the objectives to ensure that assistance on portfolio advisory and program trading is made available for investors, while the business operators may enhance the effectiveness of the service
Bangkok, January 8, 2014 ? The SEC announced the strategic plan 2014-2016 and key initiatives to kick off in 2014 emphasizing continued five key strategies to enhance supervisory efficiency, sharpen
. The SEC has continued its policies to improve good corporate governance among listed companies with more emphasis on (1) information disclosure in the annual reports, (2) increasing independence and