responsibility and its responses to any conflicts which might have a significant impact on the company and any related legal disputes, (3) the qualifications of a head of internal audit officer, the relevant
and its responses to any conflicts which might have a significant impact on the company and any related legal disputes, (3) the qualifications of a head of internal audit officer, the relevant
Governance Center. Assistant Secretary-General Waratchya Srimachand is the Head of this Division. 1.2 Market Intermediaries Division led by Assistant Secretary-General Paralee Sukonthaman. This
while the decrease in revenue of the combined cycle power plant is caused by temporarily shut down for major maintenance. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr.Pijayaphong Na Bangxang
meeting also considered changing the securities settlement cycle to be within the second day following the trading day (T+2) for all types of investors. Furthermore, both parties agreed to review rules or
ตรวจสอบไดค้รบถว้น และเสนอรายงานต่อคณะกรรมการของผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจไดท้นัรอบการประชุมของคณะกรรมการ ซ่ึงมีค่อนขา้งจ ากดั 1.2 การขยายกรอบระยะเวลาการแจง้การแต่งตั้งและการส้ินสุดการแต่งตั้ง head of compliance ให
and Amortization, increased by THB 18.33 million, the increase was attributed to the acquisition of head office building and warehouse from Advice Holding Group Company Limited, following the business
100% of paid-up capital Nature of Business: Distributor of tire and tube for bicycle and motorcycle under FKR brand which produced by NDR since 2004. 11 Company Name: GCB Trading Sdn. Bhd. (“GCB
bicycle and motorcycle under FKR brand which produced by NDR since 2004. Company Name: GCB Trading Sdn. Bhd. (“GCB”) Address: 332A-19, 19 th Floor, Plaza Ampang City, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
: Distributor of tire and tube for bicycle and motorcycle under FKR brand which produced by NDR since 2004. Company Name: GCB Trading Sdn. Bhd. (“GCB”) Address: 332A-19, 19 th Floor, Plaza Ampang City, Jalan