SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that the relief measure for issuers of all types of securities applies to the annual registration statement fee (annual fee) that is due in 2020
สมาคมส่งเสริมสถาบันกรรมการบริษัทไทย และขอความร่วมมือให้ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจจัดทำแบบแสดงข้อมูลเพื่อประกอบการประเมิน Anti-Corruption Progress Indicator (“Indicator”) โดยจัดส่งให้สำนักงานภายในเดือน
ที่จะได้รับชำระเงินที่คำนวณได้จากราคาของหุ้นที่ออกโดยบริษัทจดทะเบียนจนครบอายุตราสาร (cash settlement) มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเป็น indicator ในการตรวจสอบข้อมูลว่ามีการใช้ประโยชน์จากข้อมูลภายในหรือไม่
business, which we undertake only for serving customer needs. KBank has processes in place to measure and control risks within the established limits, under the supervision and control of the Enterprise Risk
day prior to the agreement execution date of THB 0.04 per share, totaling THB 480,000,000 (at the par value of THB 0.69 per share); 4.2 mortgage of machinery (Heavy Gauge Shearing Line) at the value
determination of offering price, providing that intention to subscribe the underwritten securities must be clearly disclosed in prospectus and preventive measure for conflict of interest between financial advisor
system of which preventive measure and arrangement which are investing in Bill of Exchange, lending, investing in listed company without analysis and effective risk management. Moreover, Beyond invested in
ZipUp+, which is the service of Zipmex Pte. Ltd, and gained benefits from digital asset exchange fees. Additionally, such operation of Zipmex had no measure to protect the conflict of interest and to
million baht.In this regard, the company has proposed a measure to relieve impact from such inaccurate information stated in the news coverage. Investors will be entitled to review their intention after
appropriately measure and manage impact. They embed the SDGs and the Impact Management Project (IMP) shared norms and provide an operating system for the application of existing tools and frameworks, including