ปริมาณการปล่อย์ก๊าซึ่เร่อนกระจก (“Greenhouse Gases : “GHGs”) และผู้ลกระทุบต้่ออุณห้ภ้มิโลก (temperature pathway) รวมถึงส่ัดส่่วนการลงทุุนในกลุ่มอุต้ส่าห้กรรมทุ่ม ่ การปล่อย์ GHGs ส่้ง หุ้้นทุ่เป็นมิต้
: International Air Transport Association). Thailand tourism industry in fourth quarter of 2018 grew at 4.9 percent. Tourist arrival from Southeast Asia region had the highest growth at 20.4 percent, followed by
to 81.9 percent. (Source:International Air Transport Association) For Thailand tourism industry in the third quarter of 2019, the number of international tourist arrivals to Thailand increased by 7.0
same period of the previous year. North America had the highest passenger load factor at 84.3 percent. In contrast, Africa had the lowest passenger load factor at 70.8 percent (Source: International Air
, helping to stimulate the air traffic demand ( Source: International Air Transport Association). For the Thailand tourism industry in the first quarter of 2018, the number of international tourist arrivals
, and 5.4 percent growth in Europe. The improvement of the world economy, lower ticket fare, and the increasing of the number of passenger demand are main factors, helping to stimulate the air traffic
Baht 48.78 million from sale of its investment property that has not been used and planned in its business operation (part 1) comprising 5-0-40.9 rai with opened-air-sport court ( the 2 nd part of the
, PlabplaSubdistrict, Wangthonglang District, Bangkok 10310 with aggregate area of 11-00-1 Rai at 43,500 per square wah, or approximately baht 191.44 million , and (2) Sport Court (opened-air), situated on some parts of
ทางอากาศ (Air Freight) เพิ่มเขา้มาอยา่งมีนยัส าคญั สรุปการเปล่ียนแปลงสัดส่วนดงัน้ี รายไดจ้ากการจดัการขนส่งสินคา้ทางทะเล (Sea Freight) ในปี 2560 สัดส่วนเท่ากบั 46% ลดลงเม่ือเปรียบเทียบ กบัปี 2559 เท่ากบั
- Pacific remains at the top with a growth of 8.4 percent following by 6.5 and 6.2 percent in Middle-East and European carriers. (Source: International Air Transport Association) Tourism industry in Thailand