with an unrelated Thai party namely Mr. Vuthithorn Milintachinda for the objectives of marketing and sales of functional drinks and/or other products under the trademark(s) developed by the JV company
อนุมัติให้ ACV เข้าท าสัญญาร่วมทุนกับพันธมิตรทางธุรกิจสัญชาติไทยซึ่งไม่มีความเก่ียวขอ้งกับ บริษัทฯ ไดแ้ก่ นายวุฒิธร มิลินทจินดา เพื่อประกอบธุรกิจการตลาดและขายเครื่องดื่มประเภท Functional Drinks และ/ หรือ
แร ่ กำแฟพรอ้มดืม่ และ Functional Drinks โดยมสีว่นแบง่กำรตลำดรวมที ่30.0% ทัง้นีใ้น Q2’62 ตลำดผลติภัณฑเ์ครือ่งดืม่บ ำรงุก ำลงัในประเทศ ยังคงรักษำอตัรำกำรเตบิโตไดด้ทีี ่5.5% และจำกกำรทีบ่รษัิทใชก้ลย
Social Development Plan for 2023-2027 prioritizes achieving high-value, eco-friendly economy, society of opportunities and equality, sustainable way of life, and strengthening enabling factors for
THE EXCELLENCE OF 19, JUBILEE CENTENNIAL 90 FACETS, JUBILEE LINE FRIENDS, and HELLO KITTY FRIENDLY MISSY which these collections were well-impressed by customers. In addition, the Company has marketing
principles, and many of them are recognised as WEPs awardees for their outstanding efforts and performance”.In addition to Thailand's strengths in promoting inclusive leadership and gender-friendly workplace
improving its website for accurate, complete and user-friendly information. 5.2 Human resources: Emphasis is made on the performance-based system where staff are encouraged to pursue self-improvement both in
Stop Query” information searching system for the SEC’s staff to conduct supervisory tasks External services ● Restructured SEC website to be more informative and user-friendly ● Facilitated online report
statements in their place, which shall be subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019. 6. The Board of Directors had approved the change of the Company’s functional
% driven by higher sales of the energy drinks especially for export markets and greater sales growth from distribution of 3rd party’s products. Note: 1/ Energy Drinks, Sport Drinks, and Functional Drinks 2