by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
expenses is decrease in an amount of 165.30 million baht due to the reversal of provision of legal cases which the Company enter into agreement to settle the outstanding disputes with two condominium
which include the principal and interest in the amount of 348,567,548 Baht with the Purchaser, The Company intends to dispose the Common Shares to the Purchaser at the price of 348,567,548 Baht to settle
ℎ㔎Ȏ䤎ⴎĎ㌎⬎ᤎᐎᜎ㔎䠎ⴎᤎ㠎എ㈎ᔎ䌎⬎䤎Ў㤎䠎⨎ㄎഎഎ㈎ᴎ䠎㈎∎ᜎ㔎䠎ℎ㔎⬎ᤎ䤎㈎ᜎ㔎䠎⨎䠎ℎⴎᨎ⨎㐎ᤎЎ䤎㈎⨎㈎ℎ㈎⌎ᘎ㌎⌎『䀎㐎ᤎ⬎⌎㜎ⴎ⨎䠎✎ᤎᔎ䠎㈎Ȏⴎ⌎㈎Ў㈎⨎㐎ᤎЎ䤎㈎숎 (settleꃂ戀礀숀 cash)ꃂ⬀⌎㜎ⴎᜎ㌎Ď㈎⌎⬎ㄎĎĎ┎ᨎ┎ᨎ⬎ᤎ㔎䤎ĎㄎᨎЎ㤎䠎⨎ㄎഎഎ㈎ⴎ㔎Ďᴎ䠎㈎∎⬎ᤎ㘎䠎⠀猀攀琀ⴀ漀昀昀⤀숀 แทนการส่งมอบสินค้าได้ꃂ䄀
companies, and pay expenses incurred in connection with the investigation of the offense.** However, they were not willing to settle the case with the SEC. The SEC, therefore, issued a letter to request
conclude any progress. As preliminary discussions, NPSI expects the Ministry of Energy, Philippines will finish the review of documents by end of October 2017. After the license is completed. The investment
to this Notification]; (c) contacting with the scheme registrar on behalf of unitholders in Thailand; (6) properly providing any channel to settle the dispute by any other measure other than court
to this Notification]; (c) contacting with the scheme registrar on behalf of unitholders in Thailand; (6) properly providing any channel to settle the dispute by any other measure other than court
บุคคลที่จะทําหนาที่เก็บรักษาทองคํา สวนใหญเห็นดวย และมีขอเสนอแนะดังนี ้ 4.1 เสนอใชระบบการ Settle ทองคําแทงในรูป ของใบรับประกันคุณภาพที่ออกโดยผูคาทองใน ประเทศที่มีคณุภาพผานการรับรองจากสํานักงาน