development. The SEC urged TIA to consider the possibility to become independent investment advisory institute supporting Thai capital market development. The institute could be a center for investor education
instruments. The factsheet requirement should increase issuers? awareness of their disclosure responsibility. It is one of many measures for supporting launch of complex products and development of financial
new financial tools supporting the country economic development,? said SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak. -------------------------
Capital Nomura Securities PLC., a number of securities trading orders from an account of {A}'s client had no supporting evidence for a period of time. {A} admitted to Capital Nomura Securities PLC., that he
(FinTech) ecosystem, sustainable finance such as green bonds and climate risk disclosure for listed companies, e-Know Your Customer (e-KYC) and cybersecurity. The new MOU will focus on supporting Thailand to
ecosystem, including the issue of class action lawsuit.“TIA is one of the market participants that has continuously played an important role in supporting the development and reinforcement of shareholder and
bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the
benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide
above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged
analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and