the debt acknowledgement letter with NEWS for the accrued principal and interest the GNET owed to NEWS in relation to 12 bills of exchange, which GNET and NEWS agreed to calculate the interest until 21
are as follows; Operating Performance 1. Revenues Unit: Million Baht In general, the Company could generate revenue from furniture business for 2nd quarter of Y2017 that was approximate by comparing to
higher. So that 3% of NTA of the Company as at 31 March, 2018 will be approximate Baht 30.75 million, by requiring the approval from the Board of Directors and to disclose this information to the SET
prices in the approximate periods that caused the client to suffer loss, eventually. {A} received large incentive amount; over 90 percent of which was from the account of this client. Trading securities on
investment, societal benefits, environment, and good corporate governance. Currently, the PVDs possess overall assets of approximate net value of 1 trillion Thai baht, which is a considerably significant
companies because the interest rate quoted on GSTEL is consistent with the long-term financial costs of GJS and the loan will help to manage GSTEL’s tax debt to the Revenue Department at an approximate
approximate amount of 8.5 million baht.TMB has terminated her employment without granting a compensation. The bank has also taken legal action on the case and paid compensation for the damage to every
day and submitted the selling orders at the prices lower than or equal to the purchase prices in the approximate periods that caused the client to suffer loss, eventually. Acting Sub-lieutenant Saroj
aside management expenses from the pooled money. Up to the time when the SEC detected the unlicensed services, there were 54 member accounts in the portfolio with an approximate investment value of 2.35
NTA in the acquisition proportion x 100 NTA of BKD N/A Cannot calculate because HECH was established on January 18, 2018 and has no financial statement 2. Net Profit % x Net profit in the acquisition x