operating results of the separated financial statement for the first quarter period ended March 31, 2019 resulted in decrease in net profit of Baht 6.79 million or 10.14% from the corresponding period of the
million, respectively, equivalent to the net profit margins of 0.51 percent and 0.66 percent, respectively. Although the Company had less revenue and gross profit due to the impact of COVID- 19 outbreak in
/2021 was THB 105 million, decreased by THB 32 million or 23% from Q1/2020 corresponding to the drop in total sales. • Gross profit margin in Q1/2021 were 58.7%, dropped by 3.9% from Q1/2020 due to the
its Central Utility Plant 4 (CUP 4) in Rayong province which will be operated by the end of this year. The scheme is expected to reduce greenhouse gas by up to 135,207 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
year 2016; whereby sales revenue of 2017 is at the amount of 956. 85 million THB equivalent to 99. 83% of total revenue and sales revenue in 2016 is reported at 569. 77 million THB or equivalent to 99.79
gross profit in Q2/2020 and 1H/2020 were THB 79 million and THB 216 million, respectively, which decreased by 61% from Q2/2019 and 44% from 1H/2019, corresponding to the decrease in total sales. • Gross
and 1H/2021 were THB 77 million and THB 183 million, respectively, decreased by 3% from Q2/2020 and 15% from 1H/2020, corresponding to the decrease in total sales. • Gross profit margin in Q2/2021
equivalent to 1.47%, compared to Q3/2018, The details are as follows: 1.1 Revenue from sales land and houses In Q3/2019 the revenue from sale land and house for 9 months amount Baht 159.78 million compared to
subsidiaries had total revenue for nine months as at september30, 2018, Q3/ 2018 and Q3/ 2017 at Baht 163.93 million, and Baht 224.78million respectively. The decrease of Baht 60.85 million is equivalent to
equivalent to 1.47%, compared to Q3/2018, The details are as follows: 1.1 Revenue from sales land and houses In Q3/2019 the revenue from sale land and house for 9 months amount Baht 159.78 million compared to