โดยใช ้digital signature (“DS”) ของผูม้ีอ านาจลงนามตามเกณฑท์ี่ก าหนด และไม่ตอ้งสง่ hard copy 1.2 partially paperless สง่ online เอกสารทัง้หมดโดยใช ้user name / password ของผูอ้ านวยการฝ่ายหรือเทียบเท่า
stemmed from the relocation of the manufacturing base of hard disk drive to Thailand earlier. Meanwhile, public spending in capital expenditure slightly declined from the high base of last year. For export
equipment in line with the import of capital goods which partly stemmed from the relocation of the manufacturing base of hard disk drive to Thailand earlier. Meanwhile, public spending in capital expenditure
Company’s expenses mainly consist of operating and administrative expenses, bad debt and doubtful accounts and finance cost. In the first half of 2017, the Company had total consolidated expenses of 7,329
., Ltd. accordingly and others. 3 Expenses The Company’s expenses mainly consist of operating and administrative expenses, bad debt and doubtful accounts and finance cost. In the first quarter of 2017, the
, reversal of bad debt and doubtful accounts and other expenses, as follows: บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั (มหาชน) 173 อาคารเอเซีย เซ็นเตอร ์ ชั"น 8-11 ถนนสาทรใต ้ แขวงท ุ่งมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรงุเทพ
Cost of service (34,589) (42,149) 7,560 (17.94) Total Costs (175,250) (150,698) (24,552) 16.29 Gross Profit 101,265 70,749 30,516 43.13 Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 174,875 - 174,875
total revenue from sales of THB 12,596 million, a decrease of 0.5% YoY due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic that hit hard in Q2’20. Domestic beverage sales outperformed the sentiment with the growth of
415.85 (149.55) (35.96) Total cost of sales (2) 268.63 416.54 (147.91) (35.51) Other income (3) 7.12 3.46 3.66 105.78 Administrative expenses (4) 36.88 46.29 (9.41) (20.33) Bad debt and doubtful accounts
doubtful accounts (reversal) 21.12 11.06 10.06 90.96 Loss from lawsuits - 1.34 (1.34) (100.00) Total expenses (4) 75.39 76.33 (0.94) (1.23) Finance costs (5) 0.05 0.07 (0.02) (28.57) Profit Owners of the